豚の胃潰瘍に関する研究(第1報) : と畜場豚における本病の発生状況調査
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東九州地方における豚の前胃部胃潰瘍の発生状況を把握するため,昭和47年3月に宮崎県南部および鹿児島県東北部の飼養豚1,000頭,同年12月に宮崎県北部と大分県東南部の飼養豚1,000豚について,それぞれと殺解体時の胃を検査し,本病の発現状況や,豚の飼育形態などを調査した.その成績を,野坂の指導により宮崎県日向保健所が昭和44年8月に実施した宮崎県北部,大分県東南部および熊本県東部における飼養豚の本病変発生調査成績と比較した. なお,われわれの調査では広義の前胃部潰瘍病変を, その経過により5つの病期,すなわち「角化亢進期」, 「急性糜爛期」, 「亜急性潰瘍期」,「慢性潰瘍期」および「瘢痕期」に区分した. 調査結果はつぎのとおりである. 1)昭和47年3月における宮崎県南部と鹿児島県東北部地域の豚を対象とした第1回調査では,病変の発現率は64.8%で,病変胃の内訳は,角化亢進期53.9%,急性糜爛期16.8%,亜急性潰瘍期0・3%,慢性潰瘍期22.7%,瘢痕期6.3%であった. 2) 昭和47年12月に実施した宮崎県北部と大分県東南部地域産豚の調査では,病変発現率74.7%で,病変胃の内訳は,角化亢進期69.2%,急性糜爛期17.3%, 亜急性潰瘍期2.1%, 慢性潰瘍期6.0%,瘢痕期5.4%であった. 3) 昭和44年8月,宮崎県北部と大分県東南部および熊本県東部地域の豚を調査した際の病変発生率は66.4% (角化亢進期55.3%, 急性糜爛期31.8%, 潰瘍期9.9%, 瘢痕期3.0%)であったが,この成績と上記(昭和47年の2回分のデータ) とを比較することにより東九州地方の豚胃潰瘍は,この3年間(昭和44~47年),ほぼ同じ程度に高い発生率を示したことが判明した. 4) 本病の発生は, 豚の性別や季節別には関係がないが, 飼料の種類・性状による差が明瞭に認められた. すなわち,配合飼料給与豚にきわめて高率に発生し, 野菜や家庭の厨芥を混和したいわゆる「残飯」飼育豚にはほとんど病変の発現がなかった. また豚の飼養頭数の規模が大きくなるにつれて, その発生が増加することを確認したが, これは給与飼料の形態や性状が飼養規模に応じて異なるためと思われる.A survey was conducted to clarify the occurrence of esophagogastric ulcer among swine in the eastern part of the Kyushu region. It covered 1,000 animals raised in the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture and the northeastern part of Kagoshima Prefecture and slaughtered in March, 1972, and 1,000 animals raised in the northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture and the southeastern part of Oita Prefecture and slanghtered in December, 1972. In it, the gastric wall was examined for the presence of esophagogastric ulcer at the time of postmortem examination. Concurrent studies were made on the conditions in which the respective animals had been raised. The results obtained were compared with those of a similar survey performed on the occurrence of the ulcer among swine raised in the northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, eastern part of Kumamoto Prefecture and southeastern part of Oita Prefecture in August, 1968. The pathological changes of porcine esophagogastric ulcer were classified into the following five stages according to the process of pathogenesis: stages of hyperkeratosis, acute erosion, subacute ulceration, chronic ulceration, and cicatrization. The results of the present survey are as follows. 1) The frequency of occurrence of esophagogastric ulcer was 64.8 per cent among swine shipped from the southern part of Miyazaki Prefecture and the northeastern part of Kagoshima Prefecture in March, 1972. When broken into the stages, the frequency of occurrence was 53.9 per cent for the stage of hyperkeratosis, 16.8 per cent for that of acute erosion, 0.3 per cent for that of subacute ulceration, 22.7 per cent for that of chronic ulceration, and 6.3 per cent for that of cicatrization. 2) The frequency of occurrence of the ulcer was 74.7 per cent among swine shipped from the northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture and the southeastern part of Oita Prefecture in December, 1972. When broken into the stages, the frequency of occurrence was 69.2 per cent for the stage of hyperkeratosis, 17.3 per cent for that of acute erosion, 2.1 per cent for that of subacute ulceration, 6.0 per cent for that of chronic ulceration, and 5.4 per cent for that of cicatrization. 3) When swine shipped from the northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture, eastern part of Kumamoto Prefecture and the southeastern part of Oita Prefecture in August, 1969, were surveyed, they showed a frequency of occurrence of the ulcer of 66.4 per cent (or 55.3 per cent for the stage of hyperkeratosis, 31.8 per cent for that of acute erosion, none for that of subacute ulceration, 9.9 per cent for that of chronic ulceration, and 3.0 per cent for that of cicatrization). When these results were compared with those of the present survey, it was elucidated that a high morbidity rate of the ulcer had still been maintained among swine raised in the eastern part of the Kyushu region. 4) The ulcer occurred in swine, regardless of sex and season. It prevailed among swine fed a formula ration. It attacked few swine fed leftover food containing waste parts of animal and vegetable matter from the kitchen. Moreover, the larger the scale of the hog husbandry, the higher the morbidity of the ulcer.
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