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犬(30),猫(18),馬(2),豚(4),牛(5),めん羊(7),山羊(5),兎(6)の甲状腺をBouin液またはSolciaら('68)のGPA 液で固定後,パラフィン切片とし,これに一般染色法としてヘマトキシリン・エオジン, Heidenhain の鉄ヘマトキシリン, McManusのPAS,およびアザン染色を; また特殊染色法としてKameda('68)の鍍銀法, Solciaら('68)のアズールA, およびSolciaら('69)の鉛ヘマトキシリン染色を施して旁小胞細胞を観察した結果,次の所見を得た. (1) 一般染色法によると, 旁小胞細胞は小胞上皮細胞よりも大型で染色質に乏しく, 細胞全体が明るく見える. しかし,この染色法で両種細胞を明確に識別することは困難である.特殊染色法によると, 旁小胞細胞は小胞上皮細胞よりも著しく濃く染まり, この細胞を選択的に染めだすことができる. 旁小胞細胞は甲状腺の小胞間質または小胞上皮中に介在し, その分布・形態・染色態度などは家畜の種類により異なっている. (2)犬・猫・めん羊の甲状腺には旁小胞細胞が最も多く観察される. 山羊・豚・兎の甲状腺にもかなり多く認められるが,馬・牛では比較的少ない. 豚・兎・馬・牛において, この細胞は小胞間質または小胞上皮中に単独で存在することが多いが, 犬・猫・めん羊・山羊ではこのほか小胞間質に大小種々の細胞集団を形成する. しかし, これらの細胞集団から甲状腺小胞を形成する所見は認められない. 小胞上皮中にある旁小胞細胞はほとんどの動物で小胞上皮細胞よりも高さが低いが,犬・猫・牛・山羊では時に該細胞よりも高く,したがって直接小胞腔に面するものがある. (3)旁小胞細胞の形は犬・猫・馬・めん羊・山羊においては円形ないし卵円形を呈するものが多いが, 牛・豚・兎では小胞間質に紡錘形および著しく細長い形をしたものも見られる. 犬・豚の旁小胞細胞は脂質内に多量の好銀性顆粒を含むが, 猫・馬・牛・めん羊ではそれが比較的少ない.山羊・兎では含有する好銀性顆粒の量に差が認められる. (4)特殊染色法を行なうことにより, 犬・猫・めん羊の旁小胞細胞は最もよく染まる. 牛・山羊・兎でも比較的よく染まるが,馬・豚のものは一般に染まり方がよくない.The thyroid glands of thirty dogs, 18 cats, 2 horses, 4 pigs, 5 cattles, 7 sheep, 5 goats and 6 rabbits were fixed either in Bouin's fluid or in GPA mixtures (Solcia et ai., '68) and were embedded in paraffin. The sections were stained with an ordinary stain such as hematoxylin-eosin, Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin, McManus' PAS-reaction or azan and specific stain such as the silver impregnation method of Kameda ('70), azure A (Solcia et al., '68) or lead hematoxylin (Solcia et al., '69). The results concerning the parafollicular cell were as follows. (1) In the sections which were stained with the ordinary stain, the parafollicular cells are larger in the size of cell-body and are paler than the follicular cells, but it is dificult to differentiate between those two types of cells. On the other hand, the parafollicular cells are selectively demonstrated between the follicular cells or in interfollicular position by the specific stain mentioned above. The distribution, shape and staining property of parafollicular cells are different among the species of animals examined. (2) In the dog, cat and sheep, the parafollicular cells are most numerous. The cells are found in quantity in the goat, pig and rabbit, but small numbers are encountered in the horse and cattle. In general, the parafollicular cells of pig, rabbit, horse and cattle occure singly between the follicular cells or in interfollicular position. In the dog, cat, sheep and goat, besides, they are found as large or small cell groups in the interfollicular position, but there is no finding to suggest that these cell groups develop into thyroid folliculi. The intrafollicular parafollicular cells are usually lower than the follicular cells, but some of them in the dog, cattle and goat are taller than ordinary follicular cells and seems to face directly on the follicular lumen. (3) As to the shape of the thyroid parafollicular cells, most of the cells of the dog, cat, horse, sheep and goat are oval form. But in the cattle, pig and rabbit, some of them assume a spindle-shaped or strongly elongated form. The argyrophil granules fill up the cytoplasm of the parafollicular cells in the dog and pig, but in the cat, horse, cattle and sheep they are scanty. In the goat and rabbit a considerable variation in the amount of the granules is recognized in the different cells. (4) The parafollicular cells of the dog, cat and sheep are stained strongly by specific staining techniques. The cells of the cattle, goat and rabbit are fairly well stained, but in the horse and pig they have weak stainability.
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