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上越教育大学周辺の環境変化が大学構内の鳥類相に与える影響を調べるため, ラインセンサス法と捕獲法を用いて大学構内に生息する鳥類の種組成と個体数を調べ, 10年前の環境と鳥類相を比較した。10年前に比べ, 大学周辺は宅地化が進み, 構内も林の面積が減少した。本調査では34科81種の鳥類を確認した。10年前の種組成と比較すると, 際立った変化はみられず, 両調査とも半数近くを通過種が占めていた。種数の季節変化と個体数の季節変化も10年前と同じ傾向を示した。本調査では27種170個体の鳥類を捕獲した。捕獲個体の優占種は10年前と同じだった。大学構内の杉林はカラスのねぐらとして利用されているカラスの最大就塒個体数は10年前が13071羽で, 今回の調査では13541羽であった。これらの結果は, 大学周辺の環境変化は大学構内の鳥類相に大きな影響を与えていないことを示唆している。To determine the effect of environmental change on the bird community around Joetsu University of Education, we studied environment and avifauna on the campus of the University by line censuses and mist net captures in 2006/07. We compared them with those of 1992/97. The residential areas around the university had an increase, while the wooded areas had a decrease. A total of 81 species of 34 families were recorded. The species composition in our study was similar to that of the 1992/97 studies, and about half of the species were transits in both studies. The seasonal change in the number of species and birds in 2006/07 had the same trend as that in 1992/97. A total of 170 individual birds of 27species were banded. Dominants of the 27 species were the same as those in 1992/97. The seasonal change in the number of banded birds in our study showed a similar trend in the 1992/96 study: the number of birds increased in April, October and December. A forest on the campus of the university has been used as a roost site by crows. The maximum roost size in 1996/97 and in this study was 13,07l and 13,541, respectively. These results show that the environmental change has not had a major effect on the bird community in the campus of Joetsu University of Education.
論文 | ランダム
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