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2008年7月に本学学部1年生151名を対象に, 小学校英語活動に対する学習希望内容と出張授業に関する希望について調査を実施した。データは151名全員の他に中・高英語免許の取得希望がある学生と希望がない学生別に検討した。分析方法として直接確率計算と分散分析を用いた。その結果, 英語活動に関して希望する学習内容は小学校英語活動に直接関わる内容, 英語力を高める内容, 背景的・理論的な内容であった。また, 英語の免許の取得希望者の方が英語に関する知識やフォニックス, 音声面に関心が高いことが示された。出張授業については, 全体的な傾向としては, これまでの出張授業のDVD視聴や大学での練習に関心が高かった。さらに, 英語の免許取得を希望する学生の方が出張授業に関する授業, 出張授業そのもの, 将来小学校で英語を教えたいことに関して関心が高いことが示された。The first purpose of this study is to investigate the contents of courses of teaching English at elementary school which university students who aspire to be teachers hope to take. The second purpose of the study is to investigate what the students think of English teaching classes conducted by the university students on a voluntary basis. The third purpose of the study is to investigate whether or not any differences could be found in the students' hopes for the contents of the courses between the students who hope to obtain English teaching licenses for junior and high school and those who do not hope to do so. The fourth purpose of the study is to investigate whether or not any differences could be found in how the students regard English teaching classes conducted by the university students on a voluntary basis, between the students who hope to obtain teaching licenses of English at junior and high school and those who do not hope to do so. In July of 2008, 151 university students answered the questionnaires, which consisted of a face sheet, twenty-six 5-Point Likert scale items concerning the contents of courses of English teaching to elementary school students, thirteen 5-point Likert scale items concerning English teaching at elementary schools guest teachers, and a request for free comments on the contents of the courses. The students were divided in to two groups, namely 49 students who hoped to obtain English teaching licenses for junior and high school, and 102 students who did not hope to do so. The data was analyzed by a Fisher's exact test and ANOVA.The results of the face sheet revealed that the number of the students who had observed or watched DVDs of the English classes both at elementary school and kindergartens was significantly lower than those who had not; the number of the students who hoped to observe the English classes was significantly higher than those who did not. Moreover, concerning the results of the twenty-six items, all of the items were felt to be necessary for the students, though knowledge of both the Critical Period Hypothesis and Content-Related instruction were rated significantly lower. Concerning the thirteen items, it was revealed that the students hoped to watch DVD soft he English classes held in previous years and to practice lessons before going to teach English to elementary school students. Moreover, the students who hoped to obtain an English teaching license showed stronger interest in English teaching classes conducted on a voluntary basis.
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