判読困難なサンスクリット写本を、いかに修補するか : Nāgabodhiの『安立次第論』第1章に見るテキスト復元
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The *Samājasādhanavyavasthālī (hereafter: Vyavasthālī), attributed to Nāgabodhi/Nāgabuddhi of the Ārya school of interpretation of the Guhyasamāja-tantra, explains the philosophical significance of yoga involving the use of the mand 4 4ala, and considerable importance has been attached to it in Tibetan Buddhism, especially in the dGe-lugs-pa school.//But until recently no Sanskrit manuscript of this work had been discovered. Recently, a complete manuscript of the Vyavasthālī was identified in Sector A of photograph Xc14/30 photographed by Rāhula Sān4 kr4 tyāyana in Tibet and later acquired by the Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Göttingen. However, the frame No.3 of Xc14/30 which corresponds to fol. 15a-23a of the manuscript, is in very bad condition. Hence, about one half of the manuscipt becomes illegible since the photograph is out of focus.//Recently, I discovered that the Vyavasthālī frequently quotes the Abhidharmakośa without mentioning its source, and later tantric texts such as the Sam4 varodaya-tantra and the Vajrācaryanayottama also refer to the Vyavasthālī without mentioning their source. Parallel passages such as these account for about 90% of the illegible part of Chapter I.//In this article I have therefore transcribed the Sanskrit text of Chapter I of the Vyavasthālī including illegible parts restored from parallel passages, together with the Tibetan translation. For further details, reference should be made to pp. 432-452.
- 2009-12-14
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