Experimental Investigation on Prevention of Damage of Tunami
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昭和8年3月3日三陸地方津浪に関する論文及報告 第1編 論文In Bureau of Public Works, Department of Home Affairs, when they consider the prevention of damages from future tunamis have undertaken a model experiment as a means of preliminary investigation. The experiment is now being carried out in Research Office of Public Works, and the author here tries to explain some results heretofore obtained which include the change of the height of the wave in a smooth sloped channel, also in a channel with a baffle wall of different heights and with a wall representing a break-water, the effect of the wheeling of the wave and some others. Here the results are only described, full discussion of the result being expected after it will be finished. From the results it is clearly understood that it is the predominant factor to control the force which acts on the structures that whore the breaking of the wave takes place and what is the distance to the structures from the site of breaking. Near the site of breaking the destructive power of the wave seems enormously larger than the other sites.内務省土木局に於ては今般の三陸大津浪の直後災害復舊豫算を計上して復舊工事を施したのであるが,將來の津浪の被害輕減の為には積局的に災害防止設備を施す要ある事を認め,三陸地方に對しては之を計畫中である.然るに如何なる地點に如何なる構造物を設くれば最も有効であるか,又その強度を何程にすべきか等に關する研究が不十分である為に,此等に關する試験を行ふ事となり,目下内務省土木試験所に於て研究中である.
- 東京帝國大学地震研究所,Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University,内務省土木試験所の論文
- 1934-03-30
東京帝國大学地震研究所,Earthquake Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial University,内務省土木試験所 | 論文
- Experimental Investigation on Prevention of Damage of Tunami
- Eestimation of Energy of Tunami and Protection of Coasts