Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Using Ni Catalyst Prepared by Laser Ablation in Water
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Nano-size Ni particles prepared by laser ablation in water were used as catalyst for synthesizing carbon nanotubes by a thermal CVD method. The width of synthesized CNT was almost the same as the size of the Ni particles. It was found that hydrogen-reduction treatment of the Ni particles was necessary to obtain nanotubes, suggesting that surface of the colloidal particles were oxidized in the laser ablation process.
- 九州大学の論文
辻 剛志
Tanoue T
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka
辻 正治
Tsuji Masaharu
Institute Of Advanced Material Study And Department Of Molecular Science And Technology Graduate Sch
辻 正治
Tsuji Masaharu
Crest Jst
辻 剛志
九州大学 機能物質科学研究所
Tsuji M
Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd. Osaka Jpn
Tsuji Takeshi
Crest Jst
辻 剛志
辻 正治
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