- 論文の詳細を見る
Significance of the local collaboration is that the local administrative body of the intermediate range based on resident autonomy is filled up thereby. The problem of the local collaboration aremaking system to give this organization authority, and bringing up the activity to lead to the materialization of resident autonomy. In this article, I clarified about the latter, by case study to the processof community development planning of “S”district in the City of Kure. The following points mainly became clear. Primarily, growth of the subject is important for the resident autonomy. Second,workshop is an appropriate method for growth of the subject. Third, but, problem of workshop is the connection with a workshop and the reality. Therefore cooperation of community, companyand administration is necessary. The local collaboration is necessary by all means in the days of maturity. Therefore, effort to promote maturity of the subject should be continued in various scenes.
- 2009-12-25
論文 | ランダム
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