Spatial and seasonal changes of net plankton and zoobenthos in Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia
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To clarify spatial and seasonal differences in net plankton and zoobenthos in Lake Tonle Sap, Cambodia, quantitative surveys were carried out at 14 stations in the north and south basins in high- and low-water seasons during 2003-2005. In the phytoplankton communities, a diatom Aulacoseira granulata dominated throughout the lake in the high-water seasons, while blue-green algae, mostly composed of Microcystis, surpassed other algae in the low-water season when the lake water was very turbid and the Secchi disk readings were only a few centimeters. In the low-water seasons, a bloom of floating blue-green algae occurred everywhere, especially prominent in the coastal areas. Protozoans and rotifers dominated the zooplankton communities. In the open-water stations, diversity was higher in high-water seasons in phytoplankton, while it was not significantly different between seasons in zooplankton. Composition of plankton communities in Lake Tonle Sap appears to have changed little since the 1950s, at least in phytoplankton, while the phytoplankton density appears to be higher in the present study. Among the macrozoobenthos, mollusks, oligochaetes and chironomids dominated in density, and mollusks exceeded others in biomass in both basins and seasons. The total densities of macrozobenthos were not high, being fewer than 1,300 m-2 throughout the stations and seasons. Possible reasons for the low zoobenthos abundance in the lake may include high predation pressures by benthivorous fish or unfavorable unstable and flocculant substrates. © The Japanese Society of Limnology 2009..
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