Drastic recovery of Melaleuca-dominant scrub after a severe wild fire : A three-year period study in a degraded peat swamp, Thailand
- 論文の詳細を見る
The early recovery process of vegetation after a severe wildfire was investigated for three years in a degraded lowland peat swamp in Narathiwat, southern Thailand. At each time of six censuses, fifty quadrats (1m×1m) were set in a burnt site which had been abandoned after a forest reclamation and subjected to major human impacts such as cutting and burning. In August 1997, three months after a severe wildfire that burnt almost all of living plants and peat to about. 25 cm in depth from the ground surface, dense seedlings of Melaleuca cajuputi POWELL (mean±SE=52.7±6.3 indivs./m^2) emerged from the wind-dispersed seeds. Clones of such herbaceous plants as Blechnum indicum BURM. f. (mean±SE=0.7±0.2 clones/m^2) and Lepironia articulata (RETZ.) DOMIN. (mean±SE=0.2±0.1 clones/m^2) also regenerated sparsely from the survived subterranean fragments. Until August 2000, the mean (±SE) height and coverage of vegetation increased sharply (29.0±7.7-187.4±5.1 cm and 4.1±1.1-77.0±2.2%, respectively), especially around the rainy seasons, although species composition didn't show clear change (range of mean species density=1.5-2.8 spp./m^2). Such a recovery pattern was greatly affected by the population development of M. cajuputi: i.e., the mean (±SE) maximum height and the mode of the frequency distribution of cover class of the BRAUN-BLANQUET scale for M. cajuputi increased 9.1±2.1-179.8±6.0 cm and 1-4, respectively, and the high density differed scarcely (33.1±3.6-73.8±12.5 indivs./m^2) for three years. Consequently, a cohort of M. cajuputi germinated simultaneously, overcame other species within 1.5 years and succeeded in the reconstruction of Melaleuca-dominant scrub.
- 国際生態学センターの論文
Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
Hirabuki Yoshihiko
Faculty Of Liberal Arts Tohoku Gakuin University
Suzuki Kunio
Graduate School Of Environment And Information Sciences Yokohama National University
Tomita Mizuki
Graduate School Of Environment And Information Sciences Yokohama National University
- Phytosociological studies on vegetation of coastal dunes at Narathiwat, Thailand
- Differences in allometric relationships and causes of death among Melaleuca cajuputi populations in three subcoastal habitats
- Drastic recovery of Melaleuca-dominant scrub after a severe wild fire : A three-year period study in a degraded peat swamp, Thailand
- Endangered biodiversity in tropical peat-swamps in relation to their ecological risk