Effect of Gamma Ray Irradiation on Interlaminar Shear Strength of Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics at 77 K
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It is known that an organic material is damaged by gamma ray irradiation, and thestrength after irradiation has dependence on the gamma ray dose. These issues areimportant not only to make global understanding of electric insulating performance of glassfiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) under irradiation condition but also to develop newinsulation materials. This paper presents the dependence of fracture mode and interlaminarshear strength (ILSS) on the material and the gamma ray irradiation effect on the fracturemode and the ILSS. 6 mm radius loading nose and supports were used to prompt ILSfracture for a short beam test. A 2.5 mm thick small specimen machined out of a 13 mmthick G-10CR GFRP plate (sliced specimen) showed lower ILSS and translaminar shear(TLS) fracture, although the same size specimen prepared from a 2.5 mm G-10CR GFRPplate (non-sliced specimen) showed ILS fracture and the higher ILSS. Both type ofspecimens showed the degradation of ILSS after gamma ray irradiation. The fracture modeof the non-sliced specimen changed from ILS to TLS fracture and no bending fracture wasobserved. The resistance to shear deformation of glass cloth/epoxy laminate structurewould be damaged by the irradiation.
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