腫瘍の細胞学的研究(第一報) : 吉田肉腫細胞の染色体異常像に関する基礎的研究
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Some reports have been published in Japan concerning various pathological chromosomes figures or cell divisions of Yoshida sarcoma cells, for instance, abnormal numbers, peculiar forms (V-, J-shaped chromosomes.), irregular staining, vacuole formation, so-called rosary-like deformities, adhesion, swelling and disintegration of chromosomes caused by abnormalities of chromosomes themselves, dispersion and dislocation of chromosomes on equatorial plate, displacement of division's axis, multipolar division, nondisjunction, delay of disjunction and bridge building etc. caused by abnormalities of cytoplasm. Some new facts can be added in the result of our studies as follows. We found chromosome numbers most fluctuate around 30-34 against the normal number of 42 reported in the past studies. Particularly large V-shaped chromosomes could not be always found. Some new types of chromosome figures we discovered in one case were named by us provisionary "Chromatin Pyc-nosis", which were observed pycnotic masses of chromatin in the matrix normal or abnprmal in shape; stained faintly by Azur and are supposed to have relation with above mentioned irregular staining or rosary-like deformities of chromosomes, especially with the latter. The causes or meanings of these findings should be clarified in future.
- 信州大学の論文
- 1953-05-30
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- 腫瘍の細胞学的研究(第一報) : 吉田肉腫細胞の染色体異常像に関する基礎的研究