- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the effect of list similarity (Exp.I) and presenting of encoding or retrieval cues (Exp.Ⅱ) on the buildup of Proactive Inhibition in elementary school children. In Exp. I , 30 6th grade childern were assigned to one of the two list conditions (see Table 1). Each list was consisted of three words. Under the S-S condition, all lists in three trials were consisted of words from the same taxonomic category (e.g. vegetables). Under the S-D condition, two list adjacent trials were consisted of words from different categories (e.g. vegetables, animals and countries). The experiment was conducted by a group administered procedure of Brown-Peterson paradigm. The booklet for experimental task contained instruction, three words to be remembered, distractor task and recall test sheets. Three items were presented simultaneously at 4 sec. rate, which was followed by the distractor task (15 sec). Then recall test was given for 15 sec. After the third trial was over, final free recall test was required to write all items presented from lst through 3rd trials. The main results were as follows: On the performance of B.P. recall test (see Fig. 1), (1) under the S-D condition, PI was not built up as a function of trials, and under the S-S condition, PI was built up as a function of trials. (2) On the performance of F.F.R. test (see Fig. 2), the performance of recall under the S-D and S-S condition which were built up PI did not decrease as a function of trials. In Exp.Ⅱ, Ss were 105 6th grade children who did not participate at Exp.1. They were assigned to one of the three cue conditions. In encoding cue condition, Ss were provided subcategory name as a cue at encoding phase. In retrieval cue condition, they were provided subcategory name as a cue at retrieval phase. In control condition, Ss were not given any cue at encoding and retrieval. The list consisted of subcategories (e.g. percussion, stringed, and wind instrument) from one general category (e.g. musical instruments)(see Table 3). The experiment was conducted by a group administered procedure of B. P. paradigm as same Exp.1. The main results were as followes: (1) On the performance of B.P. recall test (see Fig. 3), under the control condition, PI was built up as a function of trials. By contrast, two cue conditions attenuated the buildup of PI, and the degree of attenuation of PI was larger under the encoding cue conditon than the retrieval condition. (2) The performances of F. F. R. test under the all condition did not decrease as a functin of trials (see Fig. 4). Our hypothesis that the buildup of PI was due to the effectiveness of memory cue based organizational and discriminative function was nearly supported for the effects of the list similarity (Exp. I ) and presenting the discriminative cue at encoding or retrieval phase (Exp.Ⅱ) in the case of older children.
- 奈良教育大学の論文
Fujita T
Department Of Orthodontics And Craniofacial Developmental Biology Hiroshima University Graduate Scho
藤田 正
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