Risk factors for osteoporosis in elderly people with a cohort study – Using calcaneus stiffness as an index –
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"We investigated risk factors for decreased calcaneus stiffness as an index of osteoporosis in Japanese elderly perpersonswith a cohort study. Calcaneus stiffness was obtained through ultrasonographic heel measurement for 214 subjects (162 women and 52 men) who voluntarily participated in the baseline survey in 2000. Body mass index (BMI), medical history, oral health status, smoking cigarettes, alcoholic drinking, physical activities, and frequency of various foods intake were surveyed at that time. Stiffness was again measured among 93 subjects (70 women and 23 men) of them (43.5%) in the follow-up survey in 2005. Risk factors for decreased stiffness were evaluated using the unconditional logistic regression model adjusted for age and BMI by sex. Tooth loss was not associated with risk of decreased stiffness. From the results of stiffness in 2005 as a dependent variable, less frequent intake of vinegared dishes (OR=3.9, 95%CI: 1.3-11.6) and seaweed (OR=4.5, 95%CI: 1.5-14.2) in females as well as less frequent intake of green or yellow vegetables in males (OR=28.0, 95%CI: 2.5-317.4) were sigsignificantlyassociated with risk of decreased stiffness. From the results of change in stiffness as a dependent variable, less frequent intake of soybean products except for fermented soybeans (OR=3.2, 95%CI: 1.1-9.1) was significantly associated with risk of decreased stiffness in females. None of the other variables were significantly associated with risk of decreased stiffness. Dietary habits might play a role in calcium enrichment of the systemic bone. Further study is necessary to assess the relationship of dietary habits to risk of osteoporosis."
- 2007-06-01
論文 | ランダム
- ポリアミドイミド-Torlon- (最新・耐熱性プラスチックガイド--実用動向と性能向上の技術--エンジニアリングプラスチックを中心に) -- (耐熱性プラスチック・性能向上グレ-ド)
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- 強化ポリアミドイミド--ト-ロン (期待大きい強化エンジニアリングプラスチック--材料別にみる性能デ-タと用途開発) -- (材料別にみる性能デ-タと用途開発)
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