慢性閉塞隅角緑内障の研究 ―Narrow-open Typeの眼圧上昇機序―
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The mechanism of rising intraocular pressure (IOP) has not been fully clarified in the narrow-open type of chronic angle closure glaucoma (CACG). Narrow-open type is the case where the angle is observed as being narrow but still open. Forty six eyes of 24 patients with narrow-open type and 15 control eyes were treated by argon laser iridotomy (LI). The treated eyes were evaluated before and after LI as to the gonioscopic feature, anterior chamber depth, IOP, tonography and narrow angle provocative test, water provocative test was also evaluated after LI. The following results were obtained: 1) ① The treated eyes of narrow-open type showed a significant improvement in mydriasis and dark room tests but not in the prone position test. ② The IOP started to rise in 18% of the cases in 4~12 months after LI. ③ The positive rate was 51% in the water provocative test. This result showed a significant difference from that of the control eyes. From the above three findings, it is suggested that the mechanisms of rising IOP of narrow-open type are not only angle closure, but also by primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). 2) In 51% of the cases, the cause of rising IOP seemed to be the angle closure by the narrow angle provocative test. 3) In 41% of the cases, IOP decreased significantly after LI. It was suggested that the damage of trabeculum by angle closure in these cases proved to be reversible. 4) In 8.7 % of the cases, the main cause of rising IOP was due to the presence of POAG. The gonioscopic features were narrowed by aging. 5) In 8.7 % of the cases, mixed glaucoma seemed to be present. 6) POAG was considered to be present 35.4% in all cases of the narrow-open type. From these findings, it is necessary to do LI with the minimum of exposure and a long term follow up is recommended.
- 札幌医科大学の論文
- 1985-10-01
札幌医科大学 | 論文
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