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本研究の目的は,学童・思春期のアトピー性皮膚炎をもつ子どものセルフケア行動の意味づけと養育者の関わりを明らかにすることであった。小学3年生から中学3年生のアトピー性皮膚炎をもつ子どもと養育者20組を対象に半構成的面接を行い,以下の結論を得た。1.アトピー性皮膚炎に特徴的なセルフケア行動は,「かゆみのコントロール」「皮膚の清潔」「外用剤の塗布」の3つに分類され,その意味づけは認知発達とともに,外発的動機づけから自己の体験にもとづく意味づけに変化していた。子どもはかゆみや視覚的な皮膚状態にもとづいて疾患を理解しており,認知発達に伴い,悪化因子の関連やアレルギー反応を理解していた。2.養育者は子どもに病態を説明していることは少なく,子どもの年齢にかかわらず日々のセルフケア行動を励行する声かけが多かった。養育者自身が疾患を理解していない場合は,セルフケア行動の意味づけを伝えていなかった。以上の結果より,看護援助として1)子どもの疾患理解を促しセルフケア行動に対する意味づけを行う2)養育者の疾患理解を促し,発達段階に応じたセルフケア行動の自立ができるような関わりを促す,の2点が示唆された。The purpose of this study was to clarify how school children and adolescents with atopic dermatitis make sense of self-care behaviors and how their caregivers support them. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 20 pairs of children or adolescents(from grades 3 to 9)and their caregivers. The following results were obtained: 1.Typical self-care behaviors include “control on itch" “cleaning the skin" “applying ointment." Depending on ,, , and developmental stage, motivation for self-care behaviors changes from extrinsic motivation to motivation based ont he child's own experiences. Younger children understand their disease based on itch and the visual condition of the skin, while older children use the degree of skin aggravation and allergic reaction. 2.Although few caregivers explain the pathology of dermatitis to their children, many caregivers advise their children to perform daily self-care behaviors. If caregivers do not understand the child's disease, they are unable to provide proper guidance for self-care behaviors. In conclusion, the following nursing practice points are suggested: 1.Encourage children to understand their disease and make sense of their self-care behaviors. 2.Encourage caregivers to understand their children's disease and, according to developmental stage, support their children to perform self-care behaviors on their own.
- 2009-06-30
論文 | ランダム
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