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本研究の目的は,原疾患・治療に起因する症状を体験している小児がんの子どもの発達段階に応じた症状マネジメントに寄与する看護援助を明確にすることであった。小児関連病棟/緩和ケア病棟看護師,訪問看護師計13名にターミナル期にある小児がんの子どもと家族1事例の想起に基づく半構造的面接を実施した。症状を体験している小児がんの子どもと家族に対する看護援助120文脈を抽出し,想起事例の症状マネジメント状況,発達段階の相違に基づき看護援助の特徴を整理した。以下の結果と症状マネジメント看護援助モデル開発への示唆を得た。1.良好な症状マネジメントに寄与する看護援助は,《症状のモニタリング,及び症状の特性に基づく薬理的・治療的方法の適切かつ積極的な適用》,《子どもの症状,及び症状緩和に関する認識の獲得・組織化・再組織化の促進》,《子どもの症状に対する対処の探索・獲得・強化の促進》,《子どもの症状,及び症状緩和に関する家族の認識の獲得・組織化・再組織化の促進》,《子どもの症状に対する家族の対処の探求・獲得・強化の促進》であった。これらの看護援助を小児がんの子どもと家族に対する症状マネジメント看護援助モデルの重点的介入として位置づける必要性が示唆された。2.子どもと家族に対する認識と対処に働きかける看護援助と,子どもの認知的発達レベルに応じた看護援助を強化することは,小児看護に特化した症状マネジメント看護援助モデル開発につながることが示唆された。The purpose of the present study was to identify effective nursing interventions that influence symptom management among childhood oncology patients experiencing unpleasant symptoms caused by the disease and chemotherapy. Qualitative data were collected from thirteen nurses practicing in pediatric units, palliative care units, and nursing homes or clinics. Participants were asked to recall one child with terminal stage cancer and their families and semi-structured interview was conducted. A total of 120 contexts relating to nursing interventions for childhood oncology patients experiencing unpleasant symptoms and their families were extracted from data. These nursing interventions were compared based on the status of the children's symptom management and development stage of the children. The following results and suggestions for development of a symptom management nursing intervention model were obtained: 1. The following nursing interventions were found to contribute to positive symptom management by the children:‘Monitoring symptoms and applying adequate and aggressive therapeutic/pharmacological practices that correspond with the symptoms' characteristics', ‘Improving children's acquisition, systematization, and re-systematization of perceptions of symptoms as a means to palliate symptoms', ‘Improving children's inquiry, acquisition, and reinforcement of coping strategies for symptoms', ‘Improving families acquisition, systematization, and re-systematization of perceptions of children's symptoms as a means to palliate children's symptoms', and ‘Improving families inquiry, acquisition, and reinforcement of coping strategies for children's symptoms or support for children experiencing difficult symptoms.' These finding suggest that it is necessary to include these 5 nursing interventions in a symptom management nursing intervention model as the focus of interventions. 2. It is necessary to provide nursing intervention strategies that correspond with the cognitive development of the children.・・・
- 2008-06-30
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