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本研究の目的は,乳がん治療後のリンパ浮腫が患者にもたらす苦悩の側面内容を明らかにし,リンパ浮腫のある乳がん患者への看護援助のあり方を検討することである。対象は,乳がんの手術を受けた後にリンパ浮腫を発症し,研究に同意した11名の乳がん体験者である。調査方法は,半構成質問紙を用いた面接調査法,参加観察法,記録調査を行い,リンパ浮腫が生じたことによって患者が体験する身体的苦痛,および,心理・社会的な悩みの内容について明らかにした。「リンパ浮腫が患者にもたらす影響」を概念枠組みとして分析した結果,最終的に導かれた『乳がん治療後のリンパ浮腫が患者にもたらす苦悩』の側面は9つあり,身体面,自立した生活,仕事,趣味の活動,浮腫との共存,外観,自己価値,経費,支援関係であった。乳がん治療後のリンパ浮腫のある患者への看護援助は,1)上肢のリンパ浮腫によって患者が抱く多様な苦悩をアセスメントし,苦悩の緩和を方向づける,2)リンパ浮腫のある上肢と共に生きる姿勢の形成を促す,3)患者の周囲の人が上肢のリンパ浮腫による苦悩を理解できるように促し,患者を支える協力体制を強化する,ことである。We aimed to clarify the distress for patients with lymphedema after breast cancer treatment and determine to an appropriate way of administering nursing care support to breast cancer patients with lymphedema. Subjects are 11 breast cancer survivors with lymphedema of the arm after surgery who were mentally and physically able to undertake an interview and understand written information concerning ethical considerations and consented to participate in this study. We performed the interview using a semi-structured questionnaire, participant observation, and review of records and clarified their physical and psychosocial pain they have. As a result of having analyzed "the unwanted impact on patients that lymphedema can have" as conceptual frame, We clarified nine dimensions of "The distress for patients with lymphedema after breast cancer treatment" ; Physical, Independence, Employment, Leisure activities, Living with edema, Visual, Self-esteem, Financial demands, Support relations. Consequently, we suggested the following nursing care support: 1) Understanding the various distress that patients have by the arm lymphedema and thinking about a direction to relieve from their distress with the patient; 2) Supporting for them to live with the arm-edema; 3) Supporting for their family members or coworkers to understand the distress for patients with the arm-lymphedema and help them in daily life.
- 2007-06-30
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