Analyzing tourists' satisfaction : A multivariate ordered probit approach
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This article considers a Bayesian estimation of the multivariate ordered probit model using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The method is applied to unit record data on the satisfaction experienced by tourists. The data were obtained from the Annual Report on the Survey of Tourists' Satisfaction 2002, conducted by the Department of Economic Affairs of the Hokkaido government. Furthermore, using the posterior results of the Bayesian analysis, indices of the relationship between the overall satisfaction derived from the trip and the satisfaction derived from specific aspects of the trip are constructed. The results revealed that the satisfaction derived from the scenery and meals has the largest influence on the overall satisfaction.
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- 対談 手塚夫人と名編集長の家族が振り返る 天才の素顔 (特集 生誕80年 手塚治虫への冒険)
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