The Needs of Environmental Extension and the Educational Background of Farm Managers in El-Burollos District at Kafr, El-Sheikh Governorate, Egypt: From view points of Knowledge, Implementation and Attitude
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Assessment of the needs of environmental extension is a critical element for policy makers for environment protection. For this reason the study tries to determine the total degree for the needs of environment extension (NEE) based on the interview of farm managers who have different educational background. From view points of knowledge, implementation and attitude, this research attempts to provide a realistic picture about the environmental perception and behavior of farms managers. This research also estimates the need of environmental extension activities based on the gaps between actual and ideal status of the environmental perception and behavior. The results will help policy makers in decision making to plan of suitable extension programs for the environment protection in Egypt. The survey in this study covered 191 of graduates (Egyptian universities or high technical schools graduates who received plots of land for cultivation), and 100 of non-graduates (who haven't got any formal education or academic degree and received plots of land for cultivation) in three new villages, at El-Burollos District, Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate in Egypt. A systematic random sampling method was employed in the survey. Results show that 84% of the graduates and 91% of the non-graduates had degree ranged between moderate and high of needs knowledge extension (KEN). Also, the results show that 67% of the graduates and 88% of the non-graduates had degree ranged between moderate and high of needs of environmental extension (NEE). Finally, there are significant differences between the two groups in the needs of environmental extension (NEE), where non-graduate needs are more than graduate needs according to t- value test that is significant at the level of 0.01. This implies that the educational background of farm managers is one of the key factors that determine the degree of the need of environmental extension.
- 2009-10-29
論文 | ランダム
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