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報告Reports認知症の維持・進行遅延を目的に,器具を使って主として空間感覚を刺激する運動の認知機能に対する改善効果を検討した。認知症高齢者を対象として介入群,対照群,各々10名選定し,対象者が臥床状態のままで他動的に動かす器具による運動を行った。バイタルサイン,フェィススケールなどにより対象者の状況を測定し,認知症はMMSEを用いて測定した。分析はWilcoxonの符号付順位検定を有意水準1%で行った。倫理的配慮は研究目的等を文書化して同意を取った。結果,血圧変動に危険な変化を認めず,介入前後の顔の表情に介入期間の後半で安定さが増す人が見られるようになり,また4日目以降に自発的な発話が著明に聞かれるようになった。MMSE得点に有意差はみられないものの,本研究の空間感覚を主として刺激する器具による運動の効果は否定しえず,長期的条件によって認知機能に良い影響をもたらす可能性が示された。We investigated the effectiveness of a spatial perception stimulus appliance for the purpose of maintaining cognitive functions and preventing cognitive deterioration. The study was carried out in February 2007. The subjects were dividedinto two groups of 10 persons each, an intervention group and a control group. Three exercises using an appliance were conducted by having the subject move the head up and down; turn the body to the left and right; and incline the body to the left and right. For the physical assessment, we used vital signs and a face scale, and, for the assessment of dementia, the MMSE was used. For the statistical analysis, the Wilcoxon signed rank test was used with a 1% level of significance. The results showed that the MMSE scores in the intervention group did not reach statistical significance. However, although there was no variation in blood pressure, seven persons changed from an expressionless to expressive face from the 8tth day on, and, from the 4th day on, persons under intervention spoke out positively, whereas they had not spoken out positively previously. For these reasons, it may be that the spatial perception stimulus is effective when used continuously over time.
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