Genotypic variation in nitrite and nitrite reductase activities in (Oryza sativa L.)
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Randomly selected rice cultivars were analyzed in vitro for nitrate reductase activity (NRA), nitrite reductase activity (NiRA) and nitrate content. Significant differences among cultivars and six varietal groups were obtained in NADH-NRA, NADPH-NRA, NiRA and nitrate content. While there were significant differences among cultivars within group in NRA and NiRA for some groups, none was observed in nitrate content. Three-fold differences in NADH-NRA and NiRA were found among rice genotypes. Rice cultivars could be classified into high, moderate and low NRA categories based on NADH-NRA. Since NRA expresses the ability of the plants to utilize nitrate, results would indicate that some cultivars and varietal groups had good nitrate assimilatory ability as exhibited by higher NRA. Cultivars with high NRA were identified.アイソザイム多型に基づいて分類したイネ(Oryza sutiva.L.)6品種群のなかから任意抽出した33品種を供試し,それら幼棚物葉身の硝酸還元酵素(NR)活性,亜硝酸運元酵'素(NiR)活性及び硝酸含有率を調べた.NADH-NR活性はいずれの品桶においてもNADPH-NR活性より大いに高かった.NADH-NR活性,NADPH-NR活性,NiR活惟及び硝酸含有率の6品種群閉0)羊はいずれも有意であった.NADH-NR,NADPH-NR及びNiR活性の品楠郡内における島種間差は'有意であったが,硝酸含有1率のそれは有意でなかった.NADH-NR及びNiR活性の品種間差は極めて・大きく,活性の高い昆種は低い品桶の3倍以11の活性を示した.供試品種はそのNADH-NR氾性によって高,中,低の品種群に分けられ,高NR活性品種群が優れた硝酸同化能力を持つことが示唆された.
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