日韓のコミュニケーションのキーワード -「ケンチャナヨ」-
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The meaning of the expression kenchanayo ( Don't worry) has been claimed to reflect Korean culture and communication by those who are acquainted with Koreans. Their opinions are mostly based on a knowledge of Japanese culture and communication. which unfortunately merely led to further misunderstanding of the target Korean culture. This paper examines Korean culture and communication on its own right in the following aspects: (1) Korean styles of interaction among friends. (2) Korean way of advancing enjoyable conversation, and (3) Korean assertiveness. As a result. the following non-ethnocentric appraisals of Korean communication were made: When kencha~o is uttered instead of giving an apology or expressing gratitude. it was found to be a reflection of (1). Korean friends often skip uttering apologies or gratitude. whereas Japanese generally would not. When uttering kenchanayo was only thought as a reluctance of catering towards onets needs. it was found to be a result of the interaction of (2) and (3). For example. responding to requests gradually instead of at once, can promote multiple turn taking between restaurant workers and their customers; such frequent turn taking between the two parties creates a ground to appreciate and enjoy assertiveness in dail y interaction. If this analysis is correct. one should not be offended by kenchanayo, but welcome it as an invitation to further communication.
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