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The aim of this paper is to explicate often neglected problems of courtesy in relation to intercultural communication between Koreans and Japanese. Anecdotal data show that Koreans misunderstand Japanese courtesy and vice versa. These cultures share much in common historically and culturally. This often deludes intercultural communication partners to perceive that courteous behaviors on one side as authentic, and the other side as anomalous. Therefore, a tentative answer to this perceptual problem is to extract underlying values and principles on each side of curtesy systems. Within Korean culture, Confuciusnists' teaching of seniority (choyo no jo) is still operating strongly. However, courteous behavioral restrictions tend to be abandoned among interpersonal relationships other than a senior-junior relationship. The value of this freedom is not to confuse a senior-junior relationships with other relationships, which enables the latter to stay intact. Within Japanese culture, the same principle is still at work. However, courtesy among all relationships seems to remain. The value of this restriction is to redefine existing relationships from a refreshing perspective.
論文 | ランダム
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