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十世紀の独立期より、紅河デルタ東縁の南策(冊)地方は貿易港雲屯と京師を結ぶ水運や、陳朝期の大規模な農地拡大等による経済的基盤により、一大勢力を築いていた。陳朝を簒奪した胡朝の諸政策に反抗した同勢力は、一旦は明のヴェトナム侵略に協力するが、明が塩やヴェトナムの珍宝の収奪をするようになると、今度は明に対して反抗を繰り返す事となった。しかし黎利による独立闘争への参加が遅れた為に、黎朝政権に同勢力が参画するには多大な困難を伴った。軍事面では帝と同じ清化出身者(清化集団)が要職を占めた為、必然的に文臣へのみちを進む事になった。よって、科挙は同勢力にとって唯一の栄達の足がかりであったが、その科挙も清化集団によって牛耳られ、なかなか軌道に乗らなかった。そして黎宜民による文官ポストの増加と、聖宗の科挙確立により、同勢力はようやく文班の一翼を担い、活躍の場を与えられる事となったのである。After Vietnam achieved independence during the tenth century, there was a factional power in the Nam Sách 南策(冊) located on the eastern border of the Hõng Hà 紅河 delta. The Nam Sách depended, economically, on the transportation between the port of Van Đõn 雲屯 and the capital, and on the agricultural land brought under cultivation during the Trãn 陳 period.The Nam Sách resisted the policies of the Hõ 胡 dynasty which had usrped the Trãn throne and cooperated with the invading Ming forces. As the Ming forces came to exploit salt and various rare goods, the Nam Sách repeatedly resisted the Ming presence in Vietnam. However, because the Nam Sách had not supported Lê Lợi 黎利 in the struggle for independence, there were many difficulties in its attempt to participate in the Lê political power. Militarily, important posts were held by the Thanh Hóa 清化 group, whose homeland was the same as that of the Lê emperors'. As a result, the Nam Sách inevitably trid to strengthen their civil authority. In this respect, the competitive examination was their only foothold, but as the examination was also controlled by the Thanh Hóa, steady progress was not easily achieved. However, the increase of civilian posts by Lê Nghi Dân 黎宜民 and the establishment of the competitive examination by Lê Thánh Tôn 黎聖宗 did enable the Nam Sách to participate in the civil bureaucratic system and to play an active role.
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