楊守敬と小島家 : 古醫籍の蒐集と校刊
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YANG Shoujing 楊守敬, who had been to Japan from the 13th year to 17th year (1880-1884) in the Meiji era, purchased a large number of reliable books there, and also obtained MORI Tatsuyuki's 森立之 help. Since MORI was a scholar who criticized old medical texts between the end of the Edo period and the early Meiji era, YANG succeeded in gathering a large number of medical books. Then YANG compiled Guyi Congshu 古逸叢書 and published it in Japan. After returning to China, he had pursued a publishing business. However, until now there has been insufficient research to analyze the whole circumstance concerning medical books printed by YANG and to investigate its background. This paper shows : the medical books printed by him are mainly Isshudo Yixue Congshu 聿修堂醫學叢書 in 8 books (1884); the facsimile of the Song edition of Maijing 脈經(1893) ; Wuchang Yiguan Congshu 武昌醫館叢書 in 8 books (1904-12). On the other hand, 451 books of the total 809 medical books in possession of the National Palace Museum in Taiwan are from the Yangshi Guanhaitang 楊氏觀海堂 ; the largest number of YANG's books are Kojima's 小島 old stock. Kojima, who was named Naotaka 尚質 , was an official physician of the shogunate. He had two sons, named Naozane 尚眞 and Shoukei 尚絅. This triad had worked hard on text criticising and collected many reliable books. YANG visited Japan in 1890, when the last Kojima family member, Shoukei had passed away. Kojima's books therefore became his collection. That is to say that the old medical books, printed by him after returning to China, reflect the Japanese scholar's philological accomplishments at the end of Edo period, such as the Kojima family's work.
- 2008-09-25
論文 | ランダム
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