Crystal structure, electric and magnetic properties in Nax$CoO_{2}$
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The electron density distributions of $γ-Na_{x}CoO_{2}$ have been obtained by the maximum entropy method and the Rietveld analysis using powder x-ray diffraction data at room temperature.In the Rietveld refinement, the deviation of (008) and (108) peaks is very large relative to that of other reflections, and the change in x-ray diffraction data at 10K and room temperature. This indicates that electron density distributions in $γ-Na_{x}CoO_{2}$ are slightly modulated with increasing x. In fact, there found to be the obvious overlapping of the charge density between O-O network and Co ions, but no significant overlapping with increasing x. This is the direct observation of decrease of covalency between O 2p and $Co t_{2g}$ in the $CoO_{2}$ layer with increasing the sodium content.
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