ヨーゼフ・ボイス研究 : 《黒板》(東京藝術大学蔵)の成立過程とその意義をめぐって
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On 2 June 1984 Joseph Beuys(1921-1986) hada discussion with 1000 art students at The TokyoUniversity of Fine Arts and Music. In the courseof the discussion Beuys drew diagram on theblackboard [Fig.1] This essay is to reveal what Beuys wanted toappeal to Japan by the means of the analysis ofdiagram-drawing. When we see the words and graphs of thediagram very closely, we can find a lot of profoundthought of Beuys. He tried to talk very kindly tothe art students who were already hardened assculptural material, so that he wanted to warmthem and feed the seed of social sculpture.The blackboard is not only the introductionof social sculpture but also to present a goalof the expanded concept of art with his lastmotto Everybody is a King, which was thetransformation of the famous motto Everybody isan Artist.
論文 | ランダム
- 神の民--旧約聖書伝承の現代化の試み
- 旧約聖書神学の方法論的考察--G.Vos聖書神学の方法論とその後の変遷を手がかりにして
- なぜアメリカのキリスト教徒はユダヤ国家を支持するのか--旧約聖書がつなぐアメリカとイスラエル
- ユダヤ黙示思想・グノーシス思想・キリスト教--旧約聖書学からの研究フォーラムへのコメント (東北学院大学キリスト教文化研究所主催 学内研究フォーラム)
- 「社会」用語法の変遷(1)『大日本教育会雑誌』の場合