- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to clarify the system which maintains the landscape of Kami-Sakurada Village by analysing the irrigation ditches, the farmhouses and their site plans. The results are as follows; 1) There are two sources of irrigation ditches. Usually the source is Ryuhzan River, and when its water is in short supply, they use the second sources, two ponds of Nishizaoh. 2) The farmers created the present size and shape of rice fields in 1970's by themselves because of beginning to use a tractor. 3) Till about 1970, they used the water of irrigation ditches for washing farming tools, tablewares, vegetables and for taking a bath. 4) In their sites there are clear boundary signs, such as stone walls, hedges, irrigation ditches and warehouses, which are arranged around the boundary lines. 5) As the street landscape, it is very important that traditional warehouses (dozoh, itagura, momido) are arranged around the street, because they are beautiful elements of the landscape in comparison with the mainhouses which have been already rebuilt in general.
- 2000-05-10
論文 | ランダム
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