介護実習の視点 1 : 実習前の、介護実習指導者のアンケート結果から
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Summary : This school is the only one institution for certified nursing care in Yamagata prefecture, which has sent 16 alummi 480 students since founding, and graduates have been active in various social services mainly in Yamagata. Implementation of long-term care insurance system have great influence on social welfare and nursing care work. Those influences also diversify the demands for qualified care worker and also changed practical training program. This paper based on the results of a survey about the adviser's exspectations on students in practical care work training. Following key learning on care work training considered by senior workers bacame evident in this survey. (1) Most of senior workers in charge with practical training considered desirable qualities for students are awareness of respect for the dignity of users and smile as professional care worker. (2) In a difficult condition which increasing severity of the requirement of nursing care, students are wanted to learn useful assistance to improve and maintain QOL, and basic knowledge about major diseases and dysfunctions which decrease ADL. (3) Students are required to learn the skills such as obserbation, treat and attitude, and communication skills.
- 2007-02-01
論文 | ランダム
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