香川県産モモジロコウモリ(Myotis macrodactylus)の外部および内部形態と出産時期について
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One hundred and six specimens of Myotis macrodactylus were captured in Kagawa prefecture, Japan, from 1974 to 1979. External and cranial characters of these specimens were measured and compared between males and females and among age groups. The period of parturition, the presentation and position of embryos in uterus, and embryo-size were observed. The period of parturition was from the later part of May to the early part of June. The presentation of embryos was principally breech one and the position of embryos was right one. There were no differences in external and cranial characters among age groups. The characters for flight (the lengths of forearm and tail) were larger in females than in males. In this species, referring to other populations by some authors the mean size of the lengths of forearm and head and body tended to increase from south to north except at Iwate.1) 香川県におけるモモジロコウモリの分娩時期は、5月下旬から6月上旬であった。 2) 分娩時の胎位は、骨盤位が主であった。 3) 胎児は右子宮角に着床していた。 4) 外部形態、内部形態ともに、雌雄とも齢段階の間では差は認められなかった。 5) 飛翔に関する部域は、各齢段階において雌の方が雄より大きかった。 6) 前腕長と頭胴長は、岩手県のデーターを除いて地理的に北にゆくほど大きくなる傾向がみられた。