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インスリン依存型糖尿病(IDDM)発症後5年以上経過した48例について,抗ラ氏島抗体(ICA)および64KD抗体を測定し,ICA陽性長期罹病IDDM患者における64KD抗体を検討した. 対象48例中17例(35.4%)がICA陽性であった. ICA陽性IDDMは,発症年齢が28.1±13.5歳とICA陰性IDDM(17.3±10.6歳)に比べ有意に高かった(p<0.05). ICA陽性IDDM17例中12例が抗マイクロゾーム抗体陽性で,ICA陰性IDDM(31例中10例)に比べ有意に多く,またICA陽性IDDMは自己免疫性甲状腺疾患(AITD)の合併がICA陰性IDDMに比べ有意に多かった(17例中12例vs31例中8例;p<0.01). 対象46例において64KD抗体を測定した. ICA陽性IDDM 15例中15例,ICA陰性IDDM31例中3例に64KD抗体を認め,その陽性率はICA陽性IDDMに有意に高かった(p<0.001). また,ICAの抗体価の高い症例ほど64KD抗体のレベルも高い傾向を示した. ICA陽性長期罹病IDDMは64KD抗体も陽性を示しており,IDDMのひとつのサブタイプを形成すると考えられる.To investigate the clinical significance of autoantibodies to 64,000-Mr islet cell protein (64 K antibodies) in patients with long-standing insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) with positive islet cell antibodies (ICA), ICA and 64 K antibodies were assayed in 48 IDDM patients with a disease duration of more than 5 years. ICA were detected in 17 (35.4%) of 48 IDDM patients. Ages at onset of ICA positive IDDM (28.1 ± 13.5 y.o.) were significantly higher than those of ICA negative patients (17.3±10.3 y.o.). The prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) in ICA positive patients was significantly higher than that in ICA negative patients (12/17 vs 8/31 ; p < 0.01). 64 K antibodies were detected in 15 of 15 ICA positive patients and 3 of 31 ICA negative patients, and the prevalence of patients positive for 64 K antibodies was significantly higher in ICA positive patients (p<0.001). In ICA positive patients, the higher levels of 64 K antibodies were observed in patients who had higher ICA titer. These results demonstrate that long-standing IDDM patients with positive ICA were also positive for 64 K antibodies, and this patient group may compose a subtype of IDDM.
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