機能材料としての有機ケイ素化合物 : ポリシランとカルボシランデンドリマー・糖鎖<総説 レビュー>
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Preparation and characterization of new organosilanes for the application of functional materials are described. Polysilanes display unique characteristics such as UV absorption and luminescence, due to σ-conjugation of Si-Si main chain. New amphiphilic polysilanes bearing chiral pendant ammonium moieties were prepared and discussed about the Si-Si main chain conformations. Novel carbosilane dendrimers carrying trisaccharide (globotriaose) moieties of globotriaosyl ceramide were prepared. It was found that the carbosilane dendrimers bearing globotriaose were so effective for neutralization of Verotoxins (VT1 and VT2), and the activities were strongly depended on the structure of the carbosilane dendrimers.
- 埼玉大学分析センターの論文
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