- 論文の詳細を見る
Classification of paddy field is one of noteworthy problems in connection with recent paddy conversion program. In this paper, the author tries to estimate productivity of paddy field by using LANDSAT MSS data of Naganumacho, Hokkaido in July 1982. As for ground truth data, Mean Paddy Yield by Village, which is provided by the 1980 Agricultural Census, and Aerial Photo taken in early June 1982, are used so as to distinguish between two types of paddy fields, each of which belongs to high or low paddy yielding area. In this case, it seems successful to extract low yielding paddy fields, which is closely related with soil condition. Improving such method shown in this paper contributes to the analysis and planning of paddy conversion problems. This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Osamu Nishikawa in celebration of his sixtieth birthday.
- 東京大学教養学部人文地理学研究室,Institute of Human Geography,東京大学教養学部人文科学科の論文
- 1986-03-30
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