Float zone growth of Dy:GdVO4 single crystals for potential use in solid-state yellow lasers
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Single crystals of dysprosium-doped gadolinium orthovanadate (Dy:GdVO4) were successfully grown by the floating zone method and their fluorescence properties were investigated. The as-grown crystals did not contain any macroscopic defects such as cracks and inclusions for any Dy-concentration of up to 4 at%. Every crystal showed optical homogeneity under observation with a polarizing microscope; that is, no low-angle grain boundaries and growth striations were detected. In the visible region two distinct, fluorescence bands were observed around 480 and 575 nm, corresponding to F-4(9/2) → H-6(15/2) and F-4(9/2) → H-6(13/2) transitions, respectively. The excitation spectrum for the emission of 573 nm indicates the possibility to use a commercially available laser diode of 450 nm as a pumping source for solid-state yellow laser.
- 2009-10-15
論文 | ランダム
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