Low-Profile Equiangular Spiral Antenna Backed by an EBG Reflector
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The bi-directional beam from an equiangular spiralantenna (EAS) is changed to a unidirectional beam using anelectromagnetic band gap (EBG) reflector. The antenna height,measured from the upper surface of the EBG reflector to thespiral arms, is chosen to be extremely small to realize a low-profileantenna: 0.07 wavelength at the lowest analysis frequency of3 GHz. The analysis shows that the EAS backed by the EBGreflector does not reproduce the inherent wideband axial ratiocharacteristic observed when the EAS is isolated in free space.The deterioration in the axial ratio is examined by decomposingthe total radiation field into two field components: one componentfrom the equiangular spiral and the other from the EBG reflector.The examination reveals that the amplitudes and phases of thesetwo field components do not satisfy the constructive relationshipnecessary for circularly polarized radiation. Based on this finding,next, the EBG reflector is modified by gradually removing thepatch elements from the center region of the reflector, therebysatisfying the required constructive relationship between the twofield components. This equiangular spiral with a modified EBGreflector shows wideband characteristics with respect to the axialratio, input impedance and gain within the design frequency band(4–9 GHz). Note that, for comparison, the antenna characteristicsfor an EAS isolated in free space and an EAS backed by a perfectelectric conductor are also presented.
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