新彊ウイグル社会の女児に関する産育及び教育 : 中国少数民族の子どもとジェンダー
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This paper considers Chinese Xinjiang Uyghur society’s treatment of girls in child-rearing and education. Through analysis of Chinese Uyghur narrative about gender-specific treatment of children in child-rearing and education, the possibility became clear that traditional child-rearing principles and expectations surrounding girls carry through continuously from the household to school. Narratives and behavior based on gender-norms in Uyghur society can be readily discerned in the everyday life of people with whom we have contact, and child-rearing and education form no exception, For example, in child-rearing setting of infants, different means of suckling and feeding baby exist for boys and for girls. Disciplining of girls in the home as well is based on standards of womanliness and differs from the way boys are disciplined. Moreover, in situations revolving around the decision to send a child to a Chinese-medium school or to an ethnic school, we discern opinions which emphasize ethnic education for girls. From these varying attitudes and treatment based on children’s gender, as well as from the relatively severe “disciplining” of girls, and from attitudes emphasizing the teaching of folklore to girls in formal schooling, we can distinguish the gendered positioning of girls in Uyghur/Islam society, as well as discern traditional objectives of child-rearing that anticipate harmonious future married life (girls becoming the central bearers of the Uyghur home into which they marry) and expectations towards girls as “Mothers of the Uyghur People,” bearers of the task of reproducing Uyghur ethnic culture. We believe that clarification of traditional gender ideology embedded in narratives and practices surrounding child-rearing and education will lead to a firmer grasp of current conditions of child-rearing and education in modern Uyghur society, as well as to a more subtle understanding of the potential place of Uyghur ethnic education.
- 2009-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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