The relation between the silage quality and the reduction of nitrate during ensilage
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Two experiments were carried out to study the effects of glucose supplementation and density of herbage in silo upon the nitrate reduction and the nitrogen oxides gas production during ensilage. For the purpose, 300, 400, 500 and 600g of chopped ladino clover were packed into experimental silos with or without glucose so as to occupy 800 c㎥. The additi㎥on of glucose improved the silage quality and depressed the nitrate reduction. The untreated silages attained pH values of arround 4.6 and contained 2 to 3% of the original nitrate in both the two experiments. The glucose treated silages were similar in their pH values (arround 3.9) but different in the reduction rates of nitrate between the two experiments. They were 95% in Experimentt 1 and 53 to 77% in Experiment 2 showing negative relation to the density of herbage in silo which had no obvious effect on the silage quality. More nitrogen oxides gas was recovered from the treated silages in spite of less reduction of nitrate during ensilage than from the untreated ones in both experiments and the recovery was increased according to the increase of the density of herbage in silo in both the treated and untreated silages of Experiment 2.サイレージ熟成中の硝酸の還元におよぼすサイレージ品質の影響を2回に亘り検討した. 約1cmに細断したラジノクローバーをそのまま, あるいは生重当り2%のグルコースを添加したのち, 800ml容の広口試薬瓶一杯に300(実験2のみ), 400, 500および600gずつ均一に詰め込んだ. 各条件ごとに2本のサイロを用いた. 熟成に伴なって発生するガスは10M-KOH中に回収した. グルコース添加によりサイレージ品質は向上したが, 硝酸の還元も抑制された. 無添加サイレージのpHおよび材料草に対する硝酸態窒素の回収率は, 実験1および2ともに, それぞれ4.6および2ないし3%であった. 添加サイレージにおいては, 実験間あるいは詰め込み量の差に基づくサイレージ品質の顕著な差はなく, いずれもpH4あるいはそれ以下であったにもかかわらず, 硝酸態窒素の回収率は著しく異なった. すなわち, 実験1ではわずか5%であったのに対し, 実験2では23ないし47%が回収された. 酸化窒素ガス発生量は硝酸の還元量とは逆に, 添加サイレージが無添加サイレージに比し多く, また実験2では, 詰め込み量の増加にしたがい, 材料草中の硝酸態窒素に対するガス中の酸化窒素の割合が増加した.
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