Electromyographic Characterization of Walking Behavior Initiated Spontaneously in Crayfish
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Crayfish initiate walking behavior not only reflexively in response to external stimuli but also spontaneouslyin the absence of any specific stimulus. In order to analyze the initiation mechanismunderlying these different types of walking, we made simultaneous electromyographic (EMG)recordings from thoracic legs when animals initiated walking, either reflexively or spontaneously,and video recorded their movements synchronously with the EMG recording. Two different stimuli,mechanical and chemical, were used to reflexively induce walking. A non-rhythmic, sustained activationof leg muscles was found to precede the behavioral initiation of either type of walking. Theduration of this non-rhythmic muscle activation was significantly longer in the spontaneously initiatedwalking than in the mechanical stimulus-evoked walking, although no difference wasobserved between the spontaneous and chemical stimulus-evoked walking. EMG recordings fromall eight legs revealed that their non-rhythmic muscle activation occurred almost simultaneouslyprior to initiation of rhythmical stepping movements. When an animal was suspended without a legsubstratum, the timing of muscle activation was more variable among the legs than in the free conditionon the substratum. When the circumesophageal commissures were both severed to eliminatesignals descending from the brain to the thoracic ganglia, the bilaterally coordinated rhythmic burstactivity was not observed in the walking legs. These findings suggest that the spontaneous initiationof walking behavior requires sensory feedback signals from leg proprioceptors, subservedby a different descending activation mechanism from that for stimulus-driven initiation of walking.
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