オビケイソウ Fragilaria crotonensisの培養と増殖
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We have isolated a diatom, Fragilaria crotonensis, which often becomes dominant in Lake Biwa from winter to spring, and have investigated the growth features of this alga under the condition of unialgal culture. We adopted cell number as an indicator of algal mass, and revealed following properties:1) The optimum temperature is about 20-25℃judging from the growth rate of the exponential phase and the final yield.2) The intensity of illumination for the algal growth becomes saturated with 8,000 luxes.3) The optimum pH of the growth medium is about 6.5-7.0.4) Manganese in the mixture of trace elements(P IV) is essential for the growth of this diatom.5) The optimum concentration of nitrogen(NO3-N, shown by nitrogen weight) is about 9.52 ppm. The excess of nitrogen in the growth medium is inhibitory. The shortage decreases the final yield.6) The optimum concentration of phosphorus(PO4-P, shown by phosphorus weight) is 1.81-1.81 ppm.7) Silicon (SiO3-Si) is essential for the growth. Its optimum concentration is about 6.02 ppm.These results are discussed in comparison with the growth features of Pediastrum biwae, Staurasttrum dorsidentiferum var. ornatum and Closterium aciculare var. subpronum which have already elucidated.
- 滋賀大学教育学部の論文
- 1990-03-09
滋賀大学教育学部 | 論文
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