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我が国では戟後造林木の成熟により、伐採可能な人工林資源が近年著しく増加した。本研究ではスギを対象に人工林の成熟が立木市場に与えた影響を評価する目的で、スギ立木市場の需給モデルを作成した。立木供給関数には成熟林面積(人工林Ⅷ齢級以上面積)の変数を組み込んだ。1971年から2000年までの30年間の全国年次時系列データを用いて需給モデルを推定した。推定結果はおおむね良好であり、資源成熟が立木供給を活発化させる要因であることが確かめられた。年代ごとに外生変数が内生変数に与えた影響を評価したところ、資源成熟はそれが急速に進んだ1980年代と1990年代に立木供給曲線を右にシフトさせる要因として大きな影響力を持ち、この時期のスギ立木価格の下落、需給量の安定に寄与したとの結果が得られた。As a mass of forests planted after the second World War has grown to maturity, the harvestable volume of planted forests has increased rapidly in recent years in Japan. This study aimed at evaluating the effects of the maturity in Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) planted forests on stumpage market. I built up a demand and supply equations system of Sugi stumpage market. The stumpage supply function included the variable, mature forest area, which is defined as the area of planted forests with age classes of VIII and above. I estimated the equation system with the national time series data of 30 years from 1971 to 2000. Estimation results were generally good, and it was confirmed that the resource maturity affects positively to stumpage supply. I then measured from the estimation results the effects of exogenous variables on endogenous variables in each decades. It showed that the rapid increase of mature resources in the 1980s and 1990s was very influential as a factor that shifts the supply curve to the right and had relatively large impacts on the drop of price and the stability of quantity in the Sugi stumpage market in these periods.
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