広島県中学校における木材加工実習に関する実態調査 : かんな削りの指導およびかんな身の研磨について
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For the purpose of investigating a guide for planing a board with hand plane and sharpening its knife-edge at 252 public junior high schools in Hiroshima, a questionnaire survey to teachers of industrial arts was carried out. Furthermore, the final conditions of knife-edges of the hand planes used by the pupils for about six months at a junior high school were examined. The number of the responses was 148 schools (58.7%).The results obtained are summarized as follows:1) In many junior high schools, the wood planing by pupils is performed only on the side face of a board and on the butt end of a board, adjusting the depth of knife-edge is the most important technical skill for pupils. Therefore, the improvement of pupils' wood planing skill will become the main subject for teachers of industrial arts.2) Although many teachers know the significance of sharpening knife-edge of hand plane, this teaching is carried out by only 10 junior high schools (6.8%) because of its difficulty for pupils and lack of time. Therefore, the increase in time for woodworking is required for introducing the teaching of knife-edge sharpening into woodworking practice.3) The final conditions of knife-edges of hand planes used by pupils at a junior high school examined mostly showed chipping. Therefore, the learning of the technical skill of sharpening chipped knife-edge in a short time may be required in the teacher education.
- 1992-01-20
論文 | ランダム
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