合衆国における社会福音 : メソディスト監督派教会ディーコネスの活動からの考察
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The Social Gospel in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century United States has been studied chiefly through the theoretical literatures written by white male clergymen. The records of Chicago Training School and Deaconess movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which have recently been recognized as part of the Social Gospel, add to our understanding of the practical sphere of the Social Gospel. "Deaconess" is a vocation for the unmarried women who have dedicated themselves to the service for Jesus Christ. They cared for the sick and the poor with no salary. As a result Deaconesses had some typical characteristics as a women's movement. The Chicago Training School was founded for the training of female candidates for mission work. Its curriculum mainly consisted of Bible study and field work in the city, the latter which led to the establishment of the Deaconess Home, and eventually to the official recognition of the Deaconess order by the denomination. Deaconesses conventionally emphasized mother-like affection and piety, and at first made no radical demands that the Church need to be more "social." Later however, it came to share the concern for social causes and liberal theology with the Social Gospel, while still keeping its feminine identity.
- 東京大学文学部宗教学研究室,Department of Religiou Studies. The University of Tokyo,東京大学大学院博士課程の論文
- 2007-03-31
東京大学文学部宗教学研究室,Department of Religiou Studies. The University of Tokyo,東京大学大学院博士課程 | 論文
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