出雲市平田地域のため池生物調査(3) : 水生無脊椎・脊椎動物の調査結果
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From 2001 to 2003, 16 species of freshwater invertebrates (excluding insects) and 29 species of vertebrates (excluding birds) were recorded from 214 reservoirs in Hirata Area, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan, as follows: eight species of Mollusca, three species of Annelida, five species of Crustacea, 13 species of Osteichthyes, nine species of Amphibia, six species of Reptilia, and one species of Mammalia. Among them, two alien fishes live in several reservoirs, Micropterus salmoides were found from nine sites and Lepomis macrochirus were found from six sites. A forest green tree frog, Rhacophorus arboreus is a near threatened species of Shimane Prefecture were found from five sites.
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