Notes on an exhausted Japanese common squid, Todarodes pacificus (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae), with an unusually short arm
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A Japanese common squid, Todarodes pacificus with an unusually short left fourth armwas captured from the Sea of Japan on October 1996. This specimen was a mature male(mantle length 216 mm, body weight 186 g) "Kawa-ika" squid that seemed to be nearingthe end of its reproductive life. About two-thirds of the left fourth arm of this individualwas lost and the surface of the arm's tip was completely covered with skin. This short armwas either caused by i) malformation or ii) accidental loss of the tip, followed byregeneration. Arm regeneration is common in cephalopods, and the left fourth arm of thepresent specimen was very similar to the regenerating arms of other cephalopods. Therefore,the arm of the present specimen may be regenerating. Since T. pacificus is a terminalspawner, this specimen indicates that regeneration can still occur even during later phasesof the life cycle.
- 琉球大学理学部の論文
琉球大学理学部 | 論文
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- 1882(明治15)年7月25日沖縄島南部被害地震関係史料解題