第2言語熟達度テストとしてのOxford Placement Test とMichigan English Placement Test の分析
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The purpose of this study was to analyze two second language (L2) English placement tests, the Oxford Placement Test and the Michigan English Placement Test, to evaluate the degree to which the tests function as L2 proficiency tests. Descriptive statistics, normality tests, and correlation coefficients were calculated for the two tests. Factor analytic methods and Rasch scaling were also applied to the data set. The results suggest that both tests can function as proficiency tests for Japanese learners of English. However, the distribution of the Michigan English Placement Test scores deviated from normality, and the reliability estimates of the scores on some of the subsections of that test were low. The implications of the results are that researchers need to choose a testing instrument that measures the aspect of proficiency that is related to a particular study, and that subsection scores may not be reliable enough to use as a unidimensional scale.
- 2009-03-10
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