豊後国日田・玖珠両郡からの長崎廻米 : 買替納を中心に
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The purpose of this paper is to study the supply of rice to Nagasaki in Edo period, especially 18th-19th century, by focusing on the system called ‘Kaikae-osame’, which was done in Hita and Kusu district in Bungo Country known as the biggest Shogunal place in Kyushu area. ‘ Kaikae-osame' is the system of replacement some rice with other rice when people in both district supplied rice to Edo,Osaka and Nagasaki as tax paying.The first chapter examines the outline of ‘Kaikae-osame'. In the system, villages needed to furnish rice first. For example, in Terauchi-village people had to furnish rice in two way. One was as to carry to Nagasaki directly, and the other was as to replacement. Second the contractor of ‘ Kaikaemai' received rice from village, and then they bought other rice in north of Kyushu area, such as the Kurume clan, the Kumamoto clan, the Fukuoka clan.The second chapter shows the system of ‘Kaikae-osame' in detail. The most of the contractors of ‘ Kaikae-mai' were merchants in Hita distrid. The system was supported by them. As a result, the system of ‘Kaikae-osame' is shown at the schema. It is clear that through the system the contractor of ‘Kaikae-mai' effected the rice circulation in northern Kyushu area.
- 2009-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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