ドメスティック・バイオレンス被害者支援を行う民間シェルターと行政との「連携」の問題点と可能性 : 民間シェルター及び自治体関係者への調査を通して
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2009.7.21修正版(著者による誤記修正。修正個所:P501 下から5行目 (誤)個人が特定され【た】いように (正)個人が特定され【な】いように)What is ‘cooperation’ between administrative agency and private shelters supporting DV victims ? This paper clarifies firstly the changes of ‘ cooperation ’ between administrative agency and private shelters by looking at before and after enforcement of DV law, secondly, the importance of ‘cooperation’, thirdly the dilemma of ‘cooperation’. Then considers what ‘cooperation’ should be surmounting the dilemma. I conducted a questionnaire to private shelters and had an interview both administrative officers in charge of DV and private shelter representatives then examined survey results. After DV Law, ‘ cooperation ’ between them becomes smooth. Since DV Law proscribes about ‘cooperation’, administrative agency comes to tackle DV problems based on the law. But the problem is the ‘ cooperation ’ system is not established and still many administrative agencies have little understanding of DV. So it causes secondary damage to DV victims. From survey, private shelters try to keep a strained and equal relationship to the local government. Although it is difficult for them, there is a good example that one private shelter maintains ‘cooperation’ with administrative agency by keeping equal relationship. That seems like a new type of ‘cooperation’ since it is different from an old style which government always has an authority.
- 2009-03-31
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