現代インドのガンディー主義的環境思想--スンダルラール・バフグナのサルヴォーダヤ環境思想 (特集 地域研究の前線)
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This paper discusses how Gandhians in contemporary India started to grapple with the environmental problems and the nature of their environmental thinking. Sunderlal Bahuguna, a famous Gandhian leader of the forest protection Chipko movement in the Himalayan region in north India, had until the 1960s been proposing the promotion of local forest industry as against the exploitation of forest resources by outsiders of the region. His claim was an outcome of one side of the Gandhian notion of svarāj: freedom from outside oppression. However, he changed his stance during the 1970s and started to advocate the ban of forest cutting and the promotion of agroforestry as he learned the situation of environmental degradation in the region, the global move towards forest protection and the aspirations of local people to protect trees. He started to make much of the other side of svarāj: autonomy though proper deeds in a given condition. After the 1980s, Bahuguna articulated a philosophy of "sublimation of nature": the role of human beings is to refi ne the ātman (true being) of all natural beings. In addition, he cultivated a comprehensive environmental thinking as he committed to the anti Tehri dam movement. It can be called "Sarvodayist environmental thinking" because it was based on the Gandhian notion of sarvodaya (the welfare of all).
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- 経営のフィールド 医療法人社団恵心会 京都武田病院(京都市下京区) 院長 武田敏也氏 "選ばれる病院"として数多くの改革に着手 環境問題や在宅透析医療の普及に取り組み「社会の公共財」としての病院づくりに邁進
- 京都の下京区桝屋町の建物と建物前施設の景観評価ならびに景観向上施策評価
- フロンティア's 院内改革事例報告 MEDIS-DC審査で病院初のPマーク 事故・災害時の責任体制も明確に--康生会武田病院(京都市下京区,300床)
- (株)八清(京都市下京区) (特集 活躍する地場企業の戦略を探る--2005)
- ここが「ウリ」!わが社のビジネス(vol.7)「学生マンション」のパイオニア。ソフト充実で、学生生活総合ビジネスを構築--(株)ジェイ・エス・ビー(京都市下京区)