Where Have the"Entrepreneurs"Gone? A Historical Comment on Adat in Central Flores
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This article presents an historical analysis carried out in order to understand the present state of adat (custom or customary law) in central Flores, eastern Indonesia. By exploring the vast network of causal nexuses that have brought the present into existence, this study aims to elucidate what the present, or a certain phenomenon observed in the present, really is. Here I deal selectively with certain parts of that network of causes and effects. Specifically, I explicate how the present state of adat in central Flores is causally connected with (1) the slave trade and warfare that took place in central Flores until the early 20th century, (2) Dutch colonial rule, which prohibited both slavery and warfare, and (3) the "development" policy that the Soeharto government executed from the 1970s until its downfall in 1998. I have chosen this focus not only for reasons of space, but also because doing so makes it possible to comprehend aspects of the present state of adat that were not conceived of in the "development" discourse that took place during Soeharto's New Order and have not been conceived of in the current political circumstances surrounding adat.
- 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科の論文
- 現在を理解するための歴史研究 : 東インドネシア・中部フローレスの事例研究(人類学の歴史研究の再検討)
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- Where Have the"Entrepreneurs"Gone? A Historical Comment on Adat in Central Flores
- 名和克郎著, 『ネパール、ビャンスおよび周辺地域における儀礼と社会範疇に関する民族誌的研究 : もう一つのの布置』, 東京, 三元社, 2002年, xlviii+453頁, 6,000円
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